

Applicants for Fellow require senior professional standing based on demonstrable achievement and competence in the development or application of Management and Leadership.

Academic Qualifications

Applicants must hold one of the following qualifications:

  • CIML Executive Diploma in Business Leadership, or
  • Masters Degree in Management or related discipline from an Accredited Institution
  • Fellow Membership of a Recognized Professional Body


Professional Experience

In addition to the approved academic qualification for the Fellow Membership grade, applicants must satisfy one of the following:

  • completion of Ten years of research in Management and Leadership which has made a valuable contribution to the subject,
  • completion of Fifteen years responsible work requiring knowledge and application of Management and Leadership,
  • Have made outstanding contributions to the development of Management and Leadership.

Initial applications should normally be accompanied by qualification transcript(s).

Designatory Letters

Members may use the letters FCIML after their name.

How to Apply

Applicants must supply all information as requested on the application form, and indicate their agreement to the declaration. This agreement constitutes a contract to abide by the rules of the Institute.  A properly completed application will not be processed until the appropriate fees are received.

The application must include a detailed statement outlining current and previous professional activities.  The statement is an important part of the application and should make the case for acceptance by the Membership Committee.  Additional information may be enclosed.

Applicants for Fellow Membership should nominate two referees who will be invited to submit a reference.  Therefore, the nominees should have detailed knowledge of the applicant’s work and should be more senior than the applicant or of equal seniority but working for a different department or organisation.

The ideal arrangement is for at least one referee to be a Fellow Member of the Institute or another person who can provide authoritative comment on the applicant’s Management/Leadership background and current work.  One referee should be the applicant’s manager or employer.  Where an applicant’s manager or employer is a member of the Institute, only one referee is required.